Test Payment Gateway For WooCommerce Products And Subscriptions Pro




Test Payment Gateway For Products And Subscriptions

A free test payment gateway for WooCommerce with support for all product types, variations, subscriptions and payment plans.

Allows you to easily test products and subscriptions purchased through your WooCommerce store including automated recurring subscrition payments so you can easily test the emails, checkout functionality and payment flow at any time.

If you find this plugin useful, please consider buying the Pro version to help support us. Thanks!




Process orders exactly as if you are using a real gateway

Test the full payment flow including scheduled subscription payments

Test and preview WooCommerce emails

Includes support for products, subscriptions and payment plans

Admin-only mode to allow testing at any time even when live!

Fully customisable

Test declined/failed payments including scheduled ones

Pro Add-On


Process orders exactly as if you are using a real gateway

Test the full payment flow including scheduled subscription payments

Test and preview WooCommerce emails

Includes support for products, subscriptions and payment plans

Admin-only mode to allow testing at any time even when live!

Fully customisable

Test declined/failed payments including scheduled ones

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this work?

The plugin works by simulating a real payment gateway but without requiring any cards or payments.

Why isn't the Pro version working?

The Pro version is an add-on not a standalone plugin, this means it needs to be installed alongside the free version. If you’ve removed the free version, simply download it from this page and re-install it.

Why are the decline (fail) payment options disabled?

This is a Pro add-on feature only.

I can't see the test gateway on my checkout page?

Have you enabled the plugin in WooCommerce > Settings > Payments.

If it is enabled then by default it will only be visible to logged in WordPress admin users.

If you want it to be available to everyone whether logged in or not, you can switch off admin only mode by checking the “Enable for non-admin users” option in the settings.

Be careful with this setting though as it will make this gateway publicly available to anyone who visits your website.

How can I help support this project?

Consider purchasing the Pro add-on even if you don’t need the extra features.



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